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Strategies To Use For Tesla Earnings Season: Using Debit Spreads To Capitalize On Earnings Reports

On 4-19-24, Sandra with Trading Made Simple LLC was on Benzinga Live with Zunaid Suleman discussing trade ideas for earnings season.  Sandra explained using Butterflies and Debit Spreads near the expected earnings range can be a great way to limit risk and take a directional trade or trade both sides of the expected move for a volatile market. Both Sandra & Zunaid took out of the money debits spreads using the expected move for the upside and downside for a potential move in either direction or both. Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) stock was at $147.  On Monday, 4-22-24 $TSLA ended the day at 142, and Sandra’s ATM Put Debit Spread was at a 30% profit, and the OTM Put Debit Spread was at a 50% Profit.  Now Awaiting $TSLA’s earnings report for another possible move.   AT THE MONEY PUT DEBIT SPREAD: Analyze Graph ThinkorSwim OUT OF THE MONEY PUT DEBIT SPREAD: Analyze Graph ThinkorSwim: Let’s discuss the Debit Spread strategy in more detail:  Earnings season can be a thrilling time for traders, offering increased volatility and potential for significant gains. However, navigating this period can be tricky. Stock prices can swing wildly based on earnings reports, leading to both windfalls and potential losses. Here, we explore how debit spreads, a strategic options technique, can help you approach earnings season with more control and potentially mitigate risk. Understanding Debit Spreads A debit spread involves buying one option contract a Call or Put and simultaneously selling another option contract, with the same underlying ...